Friday, November 27, 2015

November 2015 Meeting Minutes

ATF Homebrew Club
November 2015 Meeting Minutes
By: Chris White
Here are the meeting minutes from the November gathering held at 1:30pm on November 15, 2015 at VFW Post 2514 in New Bern.

We would like to thank everyone in the VFW Post 2514 for allowing us to come into their establishment and have a homebrew!

A roster of all club members/guests was taken and is as follows:
Bryan Conway,
Pete Frey,
Chris White,
Joey Gonzales (New Member)
Tim Martin,
Tim Dryden,
Mike Dawson,
Rob Jones,   
Dawn Jones,
Jason Stone,
Yates Millis,
Ryan Stroupe,
Dennis Overby.
If anyone was accidentally excluded or a mistake to the list noted, please let me know and I will correct the minutes.

Brews sampled at the meeting:
Chris White- Bearded Irishmen Stout (Homebrew)
Chris White- Pumpkin Ale (Homebrew)
Jason Stone- Bye-Bye BabyBreakfast Stout (Homebrew)
Jason Stone- Punkin Cream (Homebrew)
Bryan Conway- Orange Creamsicle (Homebrew)
Bryan Conway- Punkin’ Ale 2013 (Homebrew)
Rob Jones- Jeff’s Brown Eye PA (Homebrew)
Rob Jones- Barleywine (Homebrew)
Rob Jones- Dandelion Wine (Homebrew)
Rob Jones- Screw-it Gruit (Homebrew)
Yates Millis- Farmhouse IPA (Homebrew)
Yates Millis- Cross Eyed Mosquito IPA (Homebrew)
Mike Dawson- Session IPA (Homebrew)
Ryan Stroupe- Imperial Farmhouse Saison (Homebrew)
Dennis Overby- Oaked Imperial Stout (Homebrew)
Dennis Overby did a tech talk on Octoberfest Beer Style Profile along with commercial samples.

Membership dues were increased from the $12/year that it has been at to $20/year doing away with the $1 monthly contribution.

Jolly Skull Beer Festival will be held at Greenville Convention Center January 23, 2016
Get you brews ready and come out and represent the club.  Members that are planning to represent the club so far:
  • Jason Stone
  • Chris White
  • Rob Jones
  • Dennis Overby
  • Bryan Conway

Discussed Christmas party and a decision was made to have the event at Brewery 99 from 11am until oysters are gone, on December 13.

Bryan spoke with the attorney again; becoming a non-profit will cost the club approximately $1,000.

Stout & Stogie Night discussed, Tim Martin hosting on January 16 at 1800 hours.  Details will be sent out later.

Elections were discussed and the Officers are as follows:
President:  Bryan Conway
Vice President:  Jason Stone
Treasurer:  Dawn Jones
Secretary:  Chris White
Webmeister:  Rob Jones

Scoring sheets were tallied to see who is brewer of the month.  Verdict: Jason Stone with Breakfast Stout.

Meeting adjourned at or around 4:00.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November 2015 Meeting Agenda

It is almost time for our November meeting.
The details:
What: Monthly meeting, style demonstration, tech talk, updates and sampling of all fermented libations available. 
Where: VFW Post 2514
When: Sunday November 15, 2015 from 1:30 pm until about 4 or 5. Pre-meeting happy hour will begin at about 1:00 pm while we get set up.
Here are the items on the agenda:
Style discussion,
Christmas Party,
Jolly Skull,
Brewer of the month.
If there is anything that anyone would like to put onto the agenda, please email me or bring it up at the meeting's new business call.
Notes: We strongly encourage you to bring homebrew, even if you don't think it's the best beer that you have ever made (if it is then I demand you bring it!). If you are going to sample (and we usually do), bring a designated driver or make arrangements to get home.
See you there,