Sunday, January 12, 2014

January 2014 Meeting

Agents of the Bureau,

At January's gathering we will be celebrating our right to enjoy Stouts and Stogies!

Now the details:
What: Stout & Stogie Night and sampling of all fermented libations available.
Where: Tim Martin's humble abode - If you do not know where Tim lives, log into the forum and look in the Member's Only section for the address...or just email myself or Tim.
When: Thursday January 16, 2014 from 7pm until Tim kicks us out.

Here are the items on the agenda:
  1. Drink beer - Stout anyone?
  2. Establishment or reinstitution of a monthly competition committee and schedule. (if there is anyone interested in chairing this committee, drop me a message or see me at the meeting)
  3. Light a cigar.
  4. Website feedback/recommendations. (this one's on you Rob)
  5. Jolly Skull Beer Fest.
  6. Acquiring a professional grade breathalyzer for use by the club at events such as this one.
  7. Drink another beer.
  8. Business cards.
  9. "The Incorporation Project" update.
  10. Re-light cigars.

Notes: We strongly encourage you to bring homebrew, even if you don't think it's the best beer that you have ever made (if it is then I demand you bring it!).  If you are going to sample, bring a designated driver or make arrangements to get home.  If you don't have any homebrew, try to bring some commercial beers.  Commercial examples can be found in the BJCP Guidelines here:
We hope to see you there!

El Presidente,


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