ATF Homebrew Club
May 2015 Meeting Minutes
By Tim Dryden
Here are the meeting minutes from the May gathering held at 1pm on May 17, 2015 at the Thirsty Bruin.
We would like to thank everyone in the Thirsty Bruin family for allowing us to come in to their establishment and have a Homebrew!
Introduction of Officers and Guests
A roster of all club members/ guests was taken and is as follows:
Bryan Conway - President
Rob Jones - Webmeister
Dawn Jones - Treasurer
Tim Dryden - Secretary
Chris White
Yates Millis
Dennis Overby
Jason Stone
Pete Frey
Mark Beard
Pam Johnson
If anyone was accidentally excluded or a mistake to the list noted, please let me know and I will correct the minutes.
Brews Available for Sampling at the Meeting
- Rob J. - Resurrection Rye (homebrew), Ol’ Ale (homebrew),
- Dawn J. – Pineapple IPA (homebrew), Stout (homebrew),
- Tim D - Oktober (homebrew), Stein Brew (homebrew)
- Chris W. – Stout (homebrew),
- Yates M. – Cream Ale (homebrew)
- Bryan C. – Stein BrÜ (homebrew)
- Jason S. - Summer Shandy (homebrew)
- Dennis O. - Munich Dunkel (homebrew)
Beer Style Talk
Dennis discussed the Munich Dunkel style and gave us some pointers what to look for in a good example. We sampled his own homebrew version.
Program Speaker/Tech Talk
- May - NONE.
- Jun - ??
- July - ??
- August - Mike D.
- Sept. - Jason S.
Treasurer's Report
Dawn, the “Money Honey” provided a detailed treasurer’s report to all that were on hand.
Old Business/Recent Events
Clawson’s Tasting - April 17.
Stein Brew - April 18.
Rocky Mount Brew, Mill Laura Pyatt meeting - April 23.
BoomTown Beerfest in Jacksonville - May 9th.
AHA Big Brew - May 2.
Committee updates
Crystal Coast Brew Off Committee - Tim discussed where the club stands with regard to the CCBO. Beer Scores is now live.
Homebrew Festival Committee – Lots of discussion.
Date is set for November 7 which also happens to be National Learn to Homebrew Day.
New Bern Farmer’s Market is still the venue.
Dates and clubs for inviting will be worked out soon.
Habitat For Humanity is happy to be bringing this to New Bern.
New/Ongoing Business
-All current events that the Club is facing were brought to the floor and discussed.
-Club By-Laws are currently with a CPA in order to move forward with the decision to apply for 501c(7) status.
-Brew Bern being held on June 27, the following members are planning on representing the club:
- Bryan C.
- Chris W.
- Tim D.
- Jason S.
- Dennis O.
Monthly Club Competition
Homebrew contest winner was Chris White with his Stout, also awarding him homebrewer of the month.
Next Meeting: Clawson’s 28 June 2015
Meeting sponsors:
- June 2015 – Clawson’s Restaurant
- July 2015 – New Bern Homebrew Supply
Motion passed to adjourn the meeting and drink some beer!