ATF Homebrew Club
Jan 2015 Meeting Minutes
By Tim Dryden
Here are the meeting minutes from the January gathering held at 7pm on January 16, 2015 at the home of Tim Martin.
First of all, a thank you goes out to Tim for opening his awesome mancave and providing us a location to get together as well as some extremely tasty chili to tickle our tastebuds with.
Introduction of Officers and Guests
A roster of all club members/ guests was taken and is as follows:
Bryan Conway - President
Dawn Jones - Treasurer
Dennis Overby
Dick Smith
Eric Ritter
Luke Henslick
Megan Henslick
Mike Dawson
Pete Frey
Rob Jones - Webmeister
Terry Laurie - Vice President
Tim Dryden - Secretary
Tim Martin
If anyone was accidentally excluded or a mistake to the list noted, please let me know and I will correct the minutes.
Brews Available for Sampling at the Meeting
- Dawn J. - Dawn’s American Stout
- Tim D. - Salted Carmel Stout
- Pete F. - Coffee Stout
- Bryan C. - Porter (homebrew), Rogue Double Chocolate Stout (commercial)
- Terry L. – Distorter Porter
- Mike D. – Guinness Extra Stout
- Dennis O – Imperial Stout (homebrew)
- Tim M, - IPA (Modus Hoperandi)
Monthly Club Competition
Program Speaker/Tech Talk
Scheduled tech talks:
- February – Tim D.
- March - Need volunteer,
- April - Rob J.
- May - Need volunteer,
- June - Need volunteer,
- July - Need volunteer,
- August - Mike D.
Treasurer's Report
Dawn provided a detailed treasurer’s report to all that were on hand. See the online report for more details.
Old Business/Recent Events
-The Christmas Party was an absolute great time. The food, beer and company were perfect. What a great way to end our year and begin a new one.
Committee updates
Crystal Coast Brew Off Committee - It was decided that Tim Dryden and Dawn Jones will co-chair the event. All business will be tracked using the club Google calendar and Google drive accounts.
Homebrew Festival Committee Chairman, Rob Jones, reported that we are in full swing scheduling and planning our homebrew festival with Habitat for Humanity. This charity was started by President Jimmy Carter, who is also responsible for approving the legislation that allows us to legally enjoy our great hobby, so it is a fitting combination. The chairman from Habitat for Humanity has already given us a hearty “yes” as to sponsoring our festival and we need to nail down a date and begin hammering out the details. We are tentatively looking at September/ October 2015.
Judging Committee chairman & Grand Hydrometer Dennis Overby will be giving next month’s style discussion and judging analysis.
New/Ongoing Business - All current events that the Club is facing were brought to the floor and discussed.
-Dawn Dryden is currently on reviewing the Club By-Laws and consulting with a CPA in order to move forward with the application for 501c(7) status.
-There were two possible membership drives discussed. Rob J. and Tim D. will be working to get a booth at the Farmers Market and sell items for the homebrew shop. Tim D contacted Thirsty Bruin to secure an additional location for Club Meetings. Our first meeting at the location will be in February.
-The Jolly Skull beer festival was discussed. We are still in need of additional brewers or beers to take. Pretzel necklace party at Dennis’ house the night prior.
-Next years stein brew will be held in March/ April.
-Brewer of the month - Tim D. was selected. Go to the website to see a quick bio on Tim’s brewing career.
Next Meeting: Thirst Bruin, Downtown New Bern, 15 Feb 2015 at 13:00 hours.
Meeting sponsors:
- February 2015 – Thirsty Bruin.
- March 2015 – New Bern Homebrew Supply.
Motion passed to adjourn the meeting and drink some beer!